Saturday, September 03, 2005
About Me
- Name: Paul A J Lewis
- Location: United Kingdom
I have an MA in Contemporary Literature and Film, and a BA (Hons) in English and Social Science. I currently teach Film Studies in the UK, and I'm also studying towards my PhD (in Film Studies, natch). I fluctuate between having too much spare time and none at all, hence the inconsistency of my blog. (Is it obvious?)
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Previous Posts
- Which B-Movie ...
- Trailer for the excellent poliziesco LA POLIZIA HA...
- Peter Cushing!
- DVDs to buy me.If you're feeling in a generous moo...
- Johnny Cash: DELIA'S GONE video.
- Your Personality ProfileYou are dependable, popula...
- You Are 12 Years OldUnder 12: You are a kid at hea...
- What? Did someone ask for Rutger Hauer desktop wal...
- 'Maybe You Got a Kid/Maybe You Got a Pretty Wife/T...
- Bank Holiday Monday ViewingAlien 2: Sulla Terra (A...